Friday, October 2, 2009

The Boys ~ Sandpoint Childrens Photographer

Last week I had the great pleasure of taking photos of three very active and FUN boys! The session was awesome not only because they are great kids and they loved having their photos taken....but also because their parents are friends of ours and very dear to me....especially their mama! Her and I go way back (I won't say how far...can't age us now can I?)......but, way back to the good old volleyball days. It was great catching up and so fun to see how the boys have grown!

Erin and Mike.....THANK YOU! so much for having me take the boys' pictures! I had so much fun and they are all so full of personality! AND just cute as can be! I hope you enjoy your sneak peek!

Just really lovin the black and whites these days.......

Happy Friday!!


  1. Awesome job Stac!!!! MIke and I have been like kids waiting for christmas morning to view these photos. Can't wait to see the full gallery. Great job capturing their goofy personalities!

  2. Beautiful photos Staci, brought tears to my eyes. Patty

  3. Awesome photos Staci... I have been looking at all of your photos for awhile and just want to say... Wow! You love your job and it is very apparent. Maybe I can get Taylor scheduled with you. Its been a couple of years since pics have been taken, and now that she is in 7th...well, I need to have you capture this time of her life :) I will be calling you... Angie (Bureau)
