Friday, May 29, 2009


Last week our lawn mower was broken and the dandelions were crazy in our yard so I thought, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade! So that's what I did.....instead of being bummed that our lawn mower doesn't work and our yard looks awful, I saw a great photo opportunity with all the dandelions and jumped on it.

These are all in full sun......I finally feel comfortable taking pictuers in ANY lighting....and I LOVE that feeling!! Just some of my favorites......

I love when little kids smell with their mouth.....after these pictures she had yellow lipstick!

Happy Friday!

Monday, May 25, 2009

A New Baby......

No more new babies for me.....but one awesome bonus of my job is that I get to see and take pictures of other people's new, I LOVE my job! One of my favorite 10x20 storyboards I have created......A New Baby......

Monday, May 18, 2009

J&D ~ Sneak Peek....

Last week I was a lucky girl! Not only did I get to do an awesome session with my family, but I had the great pleasure of taking pictures of these darling little boys....another super fun session! Thank you so much K & J for having me out....I loved every minute of it! Your boys are just the sweetest! Here are some of my favorites.....enjoy!

This is Mr "J"....he has the most gorgeous eyes and we made friends fast.....he's just such a cutie!

This one reminds me of my own son........there is a stage where boys go from that sweet adorable baby face to little boy face....and then back again........their look changes ever so slighty....and you don't even realize it until you look back at older pictures........I didn't realize that all of the photos I took of "J" that day were his little boy face, until I saw this sweet and angelic....just like a baby face........

One of "J's" favorite books he wanted to show was cool.....had lots of big rigs on it....AND buttons to push to make sounds! Oh yeah....big boy stuff!

And Mr "D".......he is so precious....very curious....and super strong! At one month old, he held his head up and when I had him on his belly, he kicked and was able to move his entire body forward! I love this one because you can see his big gorgeous eyes.....and his little fists....they get me every time......

These two look like they are in kahootz already!

Thank you so much again K & J! It was an amazing session and I can't wait to show you the rest!

Friday, May 15, 2009

M&M ~ Sneak Peek

Last weekend, I had the great pleasure of taking not one....but four!....sets of family some 4 generation ones! This entire group are some of the nicest people I know.....and lucky for me.....they just happen to be my family!!! Yay! I really had so much fun! Thank you, thank you, thank you for having me!

Here's a sneak peek of some of my favorites......aren't M&M so stinkin cute?

The cousin clan.....missing one....but he/she is on the way!

Had fun sticking the boys in a tree for some photos.....he he.....

And this beauty has the prettiest blue eyes......

My favorite family photo.....

Another beauty with pretty blue eyes....but this one shouted black and white to me.....

The one and only spunky Miss "P"!

And of course my favorite little guy who is going to be a big brother soon.....loves his teddy bear....

Let me in! I love capturing these moments so we can remember how tiny and precious they really are.............because as someone that we all love so much has said many times, "Before you know it they will be graduating from high school!".......

And my favorite, favorite, favorite of the entire session.......

I can't wait to show you the rest M&M! Thank you all so much again! I truly loved every minute of it!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

La La Land...... it seems that I have been off in la la land.....while messing with the html code to get a more appealing set up for this blog, I guess I really messed it up for some of you. The change cut off half the photos! EEK! Sorry about that!!! I am going back to the wide format until I get this figured out and hopefully you will be able to see the entire blog included! Will keep working on a new format....but until then, back to the norm. Thanks so much for your patience!!!

Story Boards......

Story boards! These are the coolest!

The story boards that I offer are made up of a colletion of your favorite photos that tell a story or just showcase your favorite photos from your session.......mmmmmm! CAKE!

I will usually create 1 or 2 storyboards made up of photos from your session that I think look great together to show you in your online proofs. I offer 3 different sizes (5x10 ~ 8x10 ~ 10x20) and have samples of the 5x10 and the 10x20 that I can show you at your session.

The 5x10 storyboards come on a 2mm hard plastic mounting. They are not ready to hang, but are heafty enough to lean up against a wall, on a mantel, a dresser, etc.....and can be displayed in a 5x10 frame. A favorite photo from your session can be displayed individually or in a storyboard. There will usually be a saying of some sort complimenting the photos. Here are a couple of my favorite photos displayed in a 5x10 storyboard.....

The 8x10 and the 10x20 story boards are mounted on a 3/4" thick lightweight board finished with a black plastic edge. These story boards come ready to display with hanging holes on the backside....and when I say lightweight....I mean LIGHTweight. They are light and easy to hang. The 10x20 is by far my favorite size......this one is a perfect example of how I combine portrait AND lifestyle photos to create a beautiful piece of artwork!

The edging.....

Storyboards are so much fun.....and they are a great way to display your favorite photos. Please email me for pricing on sizes larger than 10x20. These storyboards are one of my favorite forms of art.......what better way to decorate your home than with family????

Friday, May 8, 2009

Happy Day!

Happy Day to you!

OOPS!.........It's been a super busy week and I do not have the info ready on the storyboards for you just yet.... BUT, I will soon!

For now.....just a couple fun black and whites......took these at a restaurant in town last week....