Thursday, June 18, 2009

Ode McDonoe ~ Sandpoint Childrens photographer

Sometimes when I am working in the office, my daughter comes in and sits on the floor with a book to read......this particular day it was her Old McDonald book.....aka Ode McDonoe.....she sang Ode McDonoe had a farm.....E I E I O about a gazillion times.....and went thru all the animals....pig, cow, dog, horse, was darling. I HAD to get pictures of course...a perfect lifestyle picture moment! My sweet smart girl......and I LOVE those little toes!

Oh Mama's taking a picture.....time for funny faces! Both of my kids can both twist their tongue like's weird.....another lovely trait from their dada....who can do it also! Unfortunately, I am not that talented.....

Not sure what she is doing here....blowing a kiss??? Who knows.....but her big eyes just get me every time......and of course her little whoop-de-do for bangs......

And of course I can't have pictures without the famous stick out the tongue pose....which just happens to be her favorite this last month.....oooooohhhhhh....lucky me!!!! Hopefully this stage will pass!!! Hee Hee


  1. I can roll my tounge!!! :) So can Shayla, Jeff can't! :) You have such a beautiful family!!! :)
