This is a fun program that was around this area last year and the gal that was the director moved out of, my friend Monica decided to take it over since her little boy loved the program so much. It is a program that focuses in on basketball skills and combines that with educational concepts. I have never been to a class, but am super excited she is heading it up this year! It looks like a ton of fun and both Owen and Bella will be attending once a week!!! If you would like more infomation about the classes and locations, please contact Monica at
And since she took over the director position she needed a photo for the sight.....and guess who got to do that? Yep....ME! Thanks Monica for thinking of me to do your photo for TOT! I can't wait for class to start!

And the bonus of her coming over for her TOT photo??? This little guy! I could have taken pictures of him all camera couldn't stay away! Can you blame me? Forget that he is looking at me like I have antlers growing out of my head....LOOK at those big blue eyes!!! sigh....

Isn't he just so sweet!

His big brother and Owen were running around and around the house and out in the woods doing boy stuff.....having grand I didn't get any photos of him.....but they do have a family session coming up so stay tuned....
Taking some time off so today is my Friday.....and I can't think of a cuter picture to leave you with than this one.......

Have a GREAT weeekend!!!
ohh his eyes are beautiful.. and she is the one i ran into at the PO. cute session very colorful!