Meet Mr. "C"......a.k.a.........The Ham.......I had a session with The Ham and his older and younger brother tonight and we had so much fun!!! It was an awesome session.....just one that made me giggle like crazy and my heart sing! And when I got home and looked at the pictures, I HAD to edit just one. This adorable little guy and I could be best friends.....he LOVED getting his picture taken....and he is so cute to boot! And his brothers are just as cute....but you will have to wait to see them......but for now......Look at those eyes! Love them! And the dimples? Sigh....all three have out girls!

So.....after the session and falling in love with all three of the boys.....I was thinking.....that The Ham is 5.....and Bella is 2.5.....hmmmm.....maybe in 20 years these two just might have to "meet"......hee hee
he is a cutie!!