And although he is growing up fast......he still has this same loook year after year! Not sure what to call it....but I love it! Those big round eyes.....I hope he NEVER outgrows them!

Mr Big Stuff heading to the truck to load up......

Prying the door open with his "knife"! ACK! He's all boy! Don't worry....his hat and "knife" had to stay in the truck during school!

And sissy ready to go to school too! She's a mess......a face plant in the sand while camping led to scrapes on her nose and upper lip.....her leg pant up.......and boots on the wrong feet......just a beautiful mess........

Little did she know......big kid preschool is only for Owen....but we did have fun girl time while Owen was at his first day of preschool..............she did some coloring while I waded thru a foot of mail........she colored for an hour! Just happy as can be.......with her purple crayon and her princess color book!

And then we went to the beach....took a walk and then played on the toys....

First personal photos I have edited forever it seems.....tapped into some of my older actions just for fun......love to play around with different processing........

She had so much fun going down the slide!

And climbing thru the tunnell.....this was the only picture I got of her looking at me in the tunnell......she looks a little scared here, but she really had fun in that tunnell! Big stuff!

All in all a good day! Owen liked preschool......even though he did hide under the chair with another little boy during storytime....I think that's all part of him adjusting? He was a little bummed that he "only got popcorn and raisins" for a snack....not sure what he was expecting there? LOL
Sissy missed her brother like crazy....she wanted to "go to Owen's preschool!"...but she had fun with mama. When it was time to go get Owen I didn't have to tell her twice it was time to go. Owen is much more important than the silly park!
And as for me? It was great! I loved the one on one time with Bella and am super excited for Owen to begin this new chapter of his life! I only wish we lived closer so I could come home during his school time.....oh well......I will just have to get creative this fall!!!
Going to try and catch up on my editing and posting......not sure how that will go with my first wedding coming up this weekend.....but I do HAVE to document our camping trip.....it was a doozy! And I have officially renamed us "The Griswald's" for all future camping trips! Oh yeah.....the "Blankie" that got lost at Sam Owen's??? Uh Yeah....out in the camper the entire time! Sissy was thrilled when we gave it to her! Not sure if we should have done that or not? But I don't care....I did what my heart told me to do......or she's spoiled. Hhhmmm? The verdict is still out on that one!
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