Melanoma is a very dangerous and deadly cancer....but if caught early there is a five year 95% survival rate.....I caught it early....THANK GOODNESS. When I was diagnosed, my son was only 10 months old and my daughter was still a twinkle in her daddy's eye.....I just can't imagine not being here to watch them grow and change every day, to watch them accomplish those little tasks that are so big to them, to cuddle them and to kiss their soft warm chubby cheeks....all the wonderful things that are part of being a mama. I am so blessed to still be blessed to have such a wonderful husband, beautiful sweet babies, and supportive family....I can't say that I am glad I got cancer...but then again, I wouldn't be who I am today if I wouldn't have gotten it. Bittersweet I suppose.........
Relay for Life is an awesome is a very humbling experience to realize all of those that have lost their battles with cancer - two that immediately come to my mind that I think of often are my Grandpa Blaine who lost his battle to pancreatic cancer in 2005 and Jenny Meyer who lost her battle much too young in her early 30's.....but the event isn't all is also very inspiring to see all the strong people that have won their battles against cancer....and to remind me of all the cancer survivors that I know........myself, my mom, my dad, my grandpa, and both my grandma's......and that's only a few that have won.....there are so many others that have kicked cancer's butt....and many more that will.
BUT the important thing is I AM HERE.....these two little angels and their daddy are my life.....and I say CELEBRATE LIFE!

Please come and Celebrate Life with Staci Bailey Photography tonight starting at 6:00 at the Bonner County Fairgrounds! I will be donating a photo session (for 4) and an 8x10.....come and bid on it and help support the fight against cancer!!! Thanks!
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