Yesterday was the first day of June....I CAN NOT BELIEVE how fast this year is going by......and I CAN NOT BELIEVE that my son is going to be 4 in three short weeks!!!! I just looked back thru his baby pictures and it just brings tears to my eyes.....oh what I wouldn't do to go back for just a hold him, and kiss him, and just marvel over every tiny feature.....sigh. Thank goodness I have my pictures of him. And every picture I take now, in a couple months I will be amazed at how much he has changed and how fast he is growing.....I took this back in March.....

Since then, his hair has gotten long and shaggy.....and then cut again.......and even though we butt heads because we both have STRONG sweet, sweet baby is in there still.....he just doesn't come out as much anymore, now that Mr Big Boy, I can do everything myself, you don't do it right, Mr bossy that will boss you and everyone else he talks to around has taken over....sigh.........BUT, I LOVE every single thing about him.....
That second one is BEAUTIFUL... if its allowed to call a boy that!