This week is going to be Hawaii pictures everyday if I can manage it. I have so many, but only edited my absolute favs to share. AND I added some fun music to the blog for a while anyways....some of the songs were one's that we listened to on our boat ride, so they really take us back to that fun!
All of these photos were taken on the beach right in front of our hotel. These seals come up on shore and just soak up the sun....I think just digesting their food if I remember correctly. Anyways, we thought it was cool.....

Just playing around with the camera......dipping our feet in the ocean water. Let me tell you, before this trip I did not like the ocean.....the Oregon, Washington coast is yuck! It stinks and the beaches were dirty......nothing compared to Hawaii beaches. There was no stinky smell from the ocean....just that tropical smell I was telling you about earlier....and all the beaches we went to were super clean. So I do like the ocean....just in Hawaii though. We didn't go swimming, just waded a little time we hope to go snorkeling......

And here is Ryan just kidding, it's just some surfer dude we were wathcing....Ryan really wanted to take surf lessons, but the weather just wasn't up to par, so he passed.....again, another next time......

But this really is Ryan.....just soaking up the sun and the beautiful is of my fav pictures of my lovie......

A cool cliff kids were jumping off of so we decided to go over and check it out.....

The green algae on these black lava rocks was so vibrant....this photo doesn't do them justice....some of the colors were just crazy!

Finally made it up to the top of the was super windy up there and my hat actually flew off with the chin strap attached! Luckily some kid was over the edge of the cliff on a bench of some sort taking pictures of his friend jumping off the cliff so he caught it and brought it back up to me...I was so happy because Ryan had just bought it for me that morning! All the green roofs over the entire word "photography" were part of our hotel.....

Awesome pic of my bro on the rocks...what a stud