WARNING! This blog may be a bit stale the month of December....ugh. I have been so busy! We finally got the Christmas decorations up.....and our Charlie Brown tree is waiting to be decorated. Cookies and candy are on the list this week and present wrapping next week.
The kids are having fun watching all their Christmas movies and participating in the holiday traditions.....uh....well......yeah.......SOME of those traditions. One of MY traditions that I started with the kids is taking their pictures in their Santa hat every year. I LOVE it.....the kids?....not so much. But they entertain their mama anyways and put the hat on......but I am always lucky if I get ONE cute decent smile out of them! This year I got lucky with some cute smiles and will share those later....but I also get a lot of funny, goofy ones! Especially from Mr Funny Man himself.......who informed me after watching The Christmas Story that he wanted a Red Rider BB Gun for Christmas......um.....maybe in a few years. His sister also wants a Red Rider BB Gun.....but Owen didn't think that was a good idea.....he told her, "No, Bella! You'll shoot your eye out!" Oh! So wise at such a young age....lol.....but OH! SO CUTE!

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