Rookie mistake????
This is the first year that I have decided that it is just plain out cruel to wrap presents a week or more before Christmas. Last night we finally got our tree decorated and after the kids went to bed, I really got into the Christmas spirit and was up until midnight wrapping presents. This morning I was sitting in my office and my son came in with eyes the size of quarters and with such AWE, he said, "Santa came last night!" He had seen all the wrapped presents. He proceeded to sit under the tree and stare at all of them trying to find his name on just ONE of them! I tried to explain that those were for his daddy, cousins, grandma's and grandpa's, etc....I thought he might have understood. He did for a short while this morning.....proceeded to get dressed for preschool.....and out the door we went.
This afternoon upon arriving home, he saw the presents again and wanted to know if any were for him.....I told him I thought one was for him, but mommy still had some wrapping to do. In the middle of typing this post, he ran into the office with sparkly eyes and said, "Thank you mom! You got me a coffee mug!"......oh crap. He could not resist and opened one that had his name on it......what he didn't read was the "To: Daddy" part....he just saw the "Love: Owen" part. He must have forgot we bought that for daddy last week! Uh....yeah...Ryan was in the office too........Merry Christmas EARLY Daddy! So Owen and I had a little talk....both of us almost in tears...I tried my best to explain that he had to wait for Christmas....and he cried, "But my name was on it!".....I told him he still had to which he replied, "I just can't wait that long!!!!!"
Sigh......ANOTHER rookie mistake I have made as a mom.....I remember how tough it was to wait now that I look back. The presents sparkling under the tree just taunting you to open them! Whether they were yours or not....they HAD to be opened! A seasoned mom would know this....but it either flew over my head....or I was so naive about the whole thing. Either way, my heart went out to my sweet little angel bug....I am so sorry you didn't understand son. But don't worry.....Christmas will be here soon enough!!!
No happy smiles today from The Big "O" I am going to share one from last week....BEFORE there were presents under the tree.......