Well....it's been a crazy and very productive weekend! Finished up my canning for the year....completed my holiday products and got those posted.....and just finished up editing a session! Woo Hoo! And as much as I would LOVE to share some of them....you will just have to wait. :-) I KNOW! The suspense is killing you! Right? Hee Hee
Just a few fun announcements.......
*** I am super excited to let you all know that I will be displaying my work at the Northwest Bridal Showcase on Saturday, October 17th, 2009! This awesome event is going to be held at the BEAUTIFUL newly renovated Sandpoint Events Center from 11:00 - 4:00. There will be vendors from Sandpoint, CDA, and Spokane and brides coming from all over the Inland Northwest! If you or someone you know is getting married this year or next year, please tell them to stop by and check it out! And make sure to come and say hi to me....I am going to have some awesome give aways and discounts!!! There is also going to be a bridal fashion show at 1:00! Very cool! You don't want to miss it! Will be posting more on this later.....
*** A couple weeks ago my friend Jackie from Jax-Creations took our family photos down at Garfield Bay when my sister was home...the kids didn't like it too much...I think they could be sick of pictures...but I am not sure...anways, I had fun! And I am so happy and grateful to have them.....it is just so nice to have some pictures of my babies and lovie with ME actually in them!!! Thanks Jackie!!!! And hopefully I will be able to share some of those this week!
*** Holiday Card giveaway!!!! ($62.50 value!) Interested??? Well...here's the scoop.....from now until October 31st, 2009 if you become a fan and leave a review on my Staci Bailey Photography facebook page you will be entered in a drawing to win a free set of my Holiday Cards! The drawing will take place on November 1st and I will order your cards that week! This is only available to May 1 - Oct 31st clients. Just click on my facebook icon on the left hand side of the blog to get to my page! Thanks a bunch!!! :-)
But wait! I don't want to leave anyone out! Hee Hee....so if you ARE NOT a client (YET!) and leave a review or comment about my blog and photos, you will be entered into a drawing to win six of my photography greeting cards! I just created a bunch of new one's and they are just darling. Keep checking back because I will be posting about them in the next couple of weeks!
***Holiday Mini Portrait Sessions - Ok...so I have been toying with this idea for quite some time and am just going to throw it out there if anyone is interested? These holiday mini's would be short 20 minute portrait sessions where you would get around 10 photos of you and your sweetie and/or you and your family....or heck! Just you! If you think this is something you would like to do please leave me a comment here...a message on facebook...email me...or give me a call....or text me....or......well, you get the point.
*** I think that's it for now...I am super tired so it's going to have to be it.......so......last....but certainly not least....The Bells. Her daddy's heart (and mine) goes pitter patter over this picture......our BELLA Bella.

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