This is Mr "J"....he has the most gorgeous eyes and we made friends fast.....he's just such a cutie!

This one reminds me of my own son........there is a stage where boys go from that sweet adorable baby face to little boy face....and then back again........their look changes ever so slighty....and you don't even realize it until you look back at older pictures........I didn't realize that all of the photos I took of "J" that day were his little boy face, until I saw this sweet and angelic....just like a baby face........

One of "J's" favorite books he wanted to show was cool.....had lots of big rigs on it....AND buttons to push to make sounds! Oh yeah....big boy stuff!

And Mr "D".......he is so precious....very curious....and super strong! At one month old, he held his head up and when I had him on his belly, he kicked and was able to move his entire body forward! I love this one because you can see his big gorgeous eyes.....and his little fists....they get me every time......
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