Portrait photography is when the subject is posing for you in some way....now don't get me wrong, I am NOT a photographer that is going to sit you or your child in a chair, lick my fingers and fix your hair, and tell you to say cheese 50 times like this poor little kid.......

dont' worry he's mine....I wont' torture yours as much..... :-)
But I will try and get you to smile or look at me by saying different silly things or making different noises....
Sometimes I will get "the stare"...which sometimes turn out to be my favorite............

or sometimes I will get silly grins....looking at me or someone else.....which also sometimes turn out to be some of my favorite....

and sometimes I will get photos like this....big gooey drool photos....too cute!

Sometimes I will use a backdrop so it looks a little more like studio work....

And sometimes it will just be a photo right in your living room.....

What I love most about portrait photography is capturing different faces that you see everyday....faces that tell all about their personality....faces you don't want to forget.....

Lifestyle photography is all about capturing "life".....poses that are not planned out....just captured as they are happening.......daily life, regular interactions, moments that memories are made of......and the best thing about them is the story they tell.....

Sometimes I will just sit back and watch you intereact with your children...or your children interact with each other...or a dog, a favorite toy, a favorite game, etc.......and take photos as "life" unfolds right before my eyes....or rather my camera lens!

And sometimes I will take a photo and you won't even know I am taking it!

Well, that pretty much sums it up for now. Hopefully, I helped clarify the difference and not create any confusion...
Stay tuned next week........I will be going over how I combine portrait and lifestyle photos to make you your own personal photo storyboard! They are just too cool! Until then.....have a super great weekend!!! :-)